A nation conceived in pains
Contrive in deceit
Contrapt for pecuniary gains
Consign to servitude
Oh Nigeria
A nation with many contrasts
Construct on a false foundation
Contends perpetually with itself
Corrupt with impunity
Oh Nigeria
A nation comprised of the best
Compose of variant richness
Conserve for a few
Constraint to succeed
Oh Nigeria
A nation combating unending bigotry
Conscripted to religiosity
Control by ethnic jingoists
Compare to nothing
Oh Nigeria
A nation that contradicts itself
Confines her potentials
Continue to hold back
Conditions to fail
Oh Nigeria
A nation left behind by contemporaries
Consume not what it produces
Confuse with what it is not
Colonialist’s last vestige
Oh Nigeria
How we shamelessly concede
Come to agree there was a country
Compatriot, there was truly a country
Compel and propel to extinction
Country yet born
Oh come whence from ashes of Nigeria